
Right now's moment to scratch

Disposable My bio mom hits me up with a dramatic ” you need to help me”. I’m hard at work. My phone vibrates on and on and on. The basic 10 text in a row is demanding that I pick her up to go to the store. The sob story comes, ” I’m sick, I’m dying. “ It’s that moment I pick up the phone, dial that number. Life’s anger over takes. Anger It’s within me and I am not addressing it. I have hidden it. The world that brings about my anger is the feeling of being Disposable. It’s the feeling I feel and it is the feeling that I have felt all my life. The example of me harboring my anger of being disposable comes when my bio mom calls me demanding that I do things for her. She gets mad when I say no. She plays games, she tries to throw fake guilt trips on me. Telling me that I haven’t been there for her, when in fact I have. She conveniently forget that she is the one that hasn’t been there for me. 21 years of my life, no bio mom. She is the parent that left
It Doesn’t Make You a Mom JULY 23, 2017 I called her when I was 18.  The internet did what it does best, connects. I was lucky that my social worker left me a packet so that I could one day meet her; my birth mom I’ve known my biological siblings for forever and I thank God so much for that. But I wanted to meet her. For six months, I spoke to her; my birth mom. I had picked up the phone one day, hands shaking as the phone  rang and went directly to voicemail. I spoke after the beep: “Hello, I am Mary, your daughter…. I need to tell you that I forgive you and that I love you.” Those were the words I wanted to say for a long time. 16 years to be exact. Few days later we spoke. Many people will say that there is no way that a young children can have feelings of love, when they haven’t met their mommies or too little to remember. It’s a lie. Understand, I was an infant when I met my bio mom. Twenty birthdays have gone by and  I at each birthday, have cried because I knew that i