
Showing posts from March, 2018

Right now's moment to scratch

Disposable My bio mom hits me up with a dramatic ” you need to help me”. I’m hard at work. My phone vibrates on and on and on. The basic 10 text in a row is demanding that I pick her up to go to the store. The sob story comes, ” I’m sick, I’m dying. “ It’s that moment I pick up the phone, dial that number. Life’s anger over takes. Anger It’s within me and I am not addressing it. I have hidden it. The world that brings about my anger is the feeling of being Disposable. It’s the feeling I feel and it is the feeling that I have felt all my life. The example of me harboring my anger of being disposable comes when my bio mom calls me demanding that I do things for her. She gets mad when I say no. She plays games, she tries to throw fake guilt trips on me. Telling me that I haven’t been there for her, when in fact I have. She conveniently forget that she is the one that hasn’t been there for me. 21 years of my life, no bio mom. She is the parent that left